Tips on How to Do Make-up Properly for Retro Inspired Photo Shoots

by Karen

If you plan a family photo or retro inspired wedding shots, you will always be grateful for these ordinary makeup tips for those retro photo shoots. If you follow these pieces of advice, you will not be disappointed because of the dark spots under your pretty eyes or the oily gloss on your face. These tips work even for amateur photo shoots. 
So what are the main tips to work any time, any place?


You should always remember that all makeup comes out paler in the pictures than it actually looks. To look brighter and more radiant, you should make yourself up with more color. However, that doesn’t mean you are about to cross the line and choose a vulgar style for the makeup. You should pay special attention to the overall complexion. You can disguise all flaws and issues using the perfect tone of foundation. You should apply the tone not only to your face but also to the décolleté zone as well.
Nataya lace bolero in white

Nataya lace bolero

If you have problem skin, you may first disguise papules using the special dot-concealer in pistachio color. Only then should you apply the basic tone in the color of your skin. Oftentimes the faces may look too oily; but you should not worry because your oily gloss is mostly dependent on the flash and exposition of the camera. These effects, especially with budget cameras, intensify the natural oily gloss on your face, so it appears glossier than it is. To prevent such unwelcome effects, you should apply some special anti-oily-gloss facial powder. If you have chosen bare back or bare shoulder apparel, you should apply the bronze powder to all exposed parts of the body. Such powder both gives an exotic sparkling and makes the overall tone of the skin more even. If you want to make round or square faces narrower or make a long nose shorter, apply some darker tone of powder in those areas to create the illusion.


You can accentuate the eyebrows with a brow-liner pencil. The color of the pencil should be either the same color as your natural or one tone darker. Eye shadow, instead of pencil liner, will come out tender, so we sincerely recommend you give preference to the eye shadow.
Vintage long white dress
Eye shadow should be in the color of natural palettes such as grey, beige, crème and smoky-grey. Peach may come out looking as if you have been crying before the shoot, although the same color may go perfectly with some types of green eyes. Acid and neon colors will not look good in these types of photos at all. You should also accentuate the eyes and shade the lines you are drawing. Such tricks will work every time for your look on the shots. Hence, your eyes will always look dramatic and engaging. If you have small eyes you can make them appear bigger by using perfect contour kajal in beige or crème colors. Basically, it is recommended that you apply the contour to the line of your lower lid only! Thus, you will make your eyes wider. You should apply mascara to your upper lashes. False lashes will also help to accentuate your perfect look.


Try not to apply lip liner unless you are older than 30. Even if you are over 30, here is a better idea that will work: contour your lip line with an ordinary lipstick using a special thin brush for lips. By doing this, your lips won’t look blurry or fuzzy on the shots and won’t look too old, either.
Vintage nataya fuchsia dress

(40110 Nataya Fuchsia Dress)

You should always give preferences to peach, berry and light coral colors of lipstick. The pale lipstick, alas, may look perfect only on daytime shots.

You can also accentuate your lips and look even younger if you apply a little liquid gloss. This trick will “volumize” the lips and, hence, make you look up to five years younger. This trick works for older ladies only if you have applied lipstick beforehand.

You should avoid:

• Applying makeup shimmers to your face if you are not sure of the quality of the camera. • Applying matte or dry lipsticks. Such lipsticks always make your face look older. (Unless you have decided to play the role of “la belle époque” diva.) • Applying liquid black eyeliner. • Using paler tones of powder.

Types of Photo Shoots and Some Makeup Peculiarities

Use tone foundation or powder with yellow a shadow for an amateur digital camera shoot. The yellow on your face will make the overdose of “pink colors” you may look more neutral in the shots captured by mass-market digital cameras. If you plan to be shot in black-and-white or sepia or are shooting under artificial light, you should accentuate the main features of your face: the chin, cheekbones and nose. You should make your eyes as bright as you can, yet they still must not look too vulgar. Again, you should avoid the red lipstick as it may come out too vulgar and improper on monochromatic shots. If the photo shoot is under natural light or under the sun’s rays, you should disguise your facial flaws as carefully as you can, but still maintain a minimalist makeup style. We hope these tips will help you have a splendid retro photo shoot, especially as it relates to the type of event and the chosen clothing line.

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