Back In Time: History of Sportswear
by Karen
Back In Time: History of Sportswear
It’s hard to imagine modern society without sportswear. Our current “athleisure” trend means that wearing tennis shoes, leggings, and athletic apparel in public isn’t just incredibly common - it’s becoming the norm. Although we take it for granted now, the rise of sportswear at the beginning of the 20th century truly changed the fashion landscape forever. Take a look at what athletes wore in the early 1900s and how sportswear lead to a more casual take on women’s fashion.The Rise of Sportswear in Society
Trains and automobiles allowed everyday people to travel farther from home than they ever had been able to before. This led to more and more families taking weekend trips to the coast and going on other scenic, outdoor vacations. As the economy prospered in the late 1910s and early 1920s, people suddenly found themselves with an abundance of free time - time they filled with tennis, golf, and other leisure activities. Old-fashioned Victorian dresses just wouldn’t do. Instead, women started wearing variations of the “uniforms” worn by their male counterparts.
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