Alternatives to famous Clothing brands under 200$
by Karen
Nowadays, a brides-to-be do their best to save every penny for the wedding of their dreams, be it for the wedding reception, more guests, the honeymoon trip… or (insert your own ideas here).
Fashion magazines and websites like “Glamour”, “Marie Clair”, “Cosmo”, “” and “” compose tons of articles on how to save money for your biggest day, with some even using collages in their editorials to make the comparison of high-level brands to similar alternatives.
All the dresses in are represented with Nataya’s gowns. Of course, also carries the dresses for as much as $600 and more, today let us focus on the affordable alternatives, shall we?
So here are the lists of the dresses:
The butter Nataya dress in Nylon and Laces. The cost is only $169, which means you may look as if you were wearing something truly spectacular launched by London brands, but you are saving your money for the accessories to be paired with this dress.

Up next is a Daisy Buchanan inspired dress in white and black. At only $189 dollars, you will save hundreds of dollars that you can spend on your wedding shoes and headpieces. Again, you may find them at

The Titanic style dress in ivory is also an alternative to the fashionable New York or London vintage inspired brands for only $178.

The Titanic style dress in Tea Length is our best selling dress. You may visit our Facebook or Pinterest pages and find the people that already bought and wore it, such as Tess McNeal Hobbs.

Another best selling dress is a Gatsby style gown by Nataya. It costs only $198 and as long as we are an online boutique, you need not worry about the quality of the dress as it has never been tried on and because Nataya is highly praised for her quality.

The Charming Nataya 40007 Dress in ivory is again an affordable alternative to many pricy brands. It costs only $178 and you will save tons of nerves and money for your Edwardian or Gatsby inspired wedding. The quality of the dress is absolutely splendid.

The next two antique dresses are only $119 each and they are the most affordable wedding dresses in Edwardian vintage style you will ever find! Customize your upper part to your liking because the bottoms of the two dresses are more or less equal.

Finally, let us introduce to you the Nataya dress in Gatsby style for only $157, but you have to hurry on this one as it is almost sold out with only two sizes left. All customers who purchased this style have been truly happy customers as we had zero returns and received nothing but praise on this dress. So if you are looking for your very own Gatsby style dress, at a Non-Gatsby luxurious price, you can stop at this dress.

The Nataya skirt is only $84 dollars, the Titanic style jacket is $59 and the shell is only $46. Overall you have the complete 3-piece outfit for your Gatsby or Downtown Abbey (after 1920’s) inspired wedding!

We hope this list of wedding dresses and outfits at just below $200 will help you decide on your wedding line and help you save some money in the meantime.
Next time, we'll show you our greatest headpieces for under $100!
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