1920s Flapper Outfits
by Karen
The trumpets play that tune. Your feet start tapping before you even know it. Stepping onto the dance floor is easy with a flowing and flirty ftwenties dress and accessories. Nobody does it like a flapper. A girl dressed in an authentic vintage style will never disappoint. Decadent jewels, drop waist, and a boyish air will keep your next Gatsby party at its best. In our last installment of the glittering and glorious 1920s flapper outfits, enjoy the blends of vintage. Take your style to the next level with cloche hats, draped jewels, and kitten heels in the true authentic fashion.
Seductive and Sweet: Flappers were never known for manners. They were fun-loving, seductive, and free-spirited. The world of the Twenties was known for the movement of feminism and women’s rights. If you want to be the life of the party and take your 1920s flapper outfits to the seductive level, choose something in black with sweet and bright accessories to tone down on the sexy. Keep the heel fairly low, especially the higher the hemline, and remind yourself that a flapper never turned away from another fine cut jewel.
Seductive and Sweet
The Empress Impressive: Like the lovely Miss Daisy from the Great Gatsby, many 1920s flapper outfits were the epitome of the golden child. Flowing, fairy chiffon and colorful accent jewelry will make this type of outfit truly excel. Made to match with the glittery headbands and a cute, pixie appeal, these dresses are both feminine and vintage and accented with the perfect style. Blend with a slightly higher heel to modernize.
The Empress Impressive
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