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Resolution Time

It is resolution time. In the past couple of months we have been through a lot. Just think about the whirlwind of the holidays that started in November. We made it through Thanksgiving and named off all the things we are most thankful for. We made it through Christmas; giving and receiving all the gifts that were wanted by all. Now comes the holiday that reminds us of all the thanks and gifts and will carry us through the next year. Every year starts out the same; at least for me. I start off with a list of things that I am going to do. But, by the middle of February most of that list is still yet to be started or the list of ideas has gone by the wayside. For example, every year I say I am going to be more organized and by the middle of February I have a huge pile of paperwork that should have been gone through. Or, I say I am going to exercise everyday; and I don’t. That one usually doesn’t even make it into February. But, this year, I am going to do something different. I am going to make amends with myself. I have thought about it since my family sat down for Thanksgiving. I have so much to be Thankful for and so much that I take for granted. This year, at resolution time, I want to make a new list. This year I will have more fun. I will resolve to enjoy my time. I resolve to play more. Even at my age, playing is important and I haven’t played enough in recent years. This year I will listen more. I resolve to not just hear what is going on around me, but to actually take in what others are saying. I will resolve to make informed decisions and not just gut reactions to events in the world or in the community. This year I will do what makes me happy. I will do more. So often life seems to be about having things. I resolve to attend events and activities that are pleasing to me. I want to experience life outside of material things. This year I will love stronger. More than just my family, I feel the need to acknowledge a love for those outside my circle. I will be kinder to those that I come in contact with. Though it may just be a simple smile, I want to feel more love. I think writing out my list in a more vague manner will help me. How about you? What is it your plan to resolve in the new year? Do you have a list for New Year’s Day and beyond? Share with me, I would love to hear from you.
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